Hair is one of the main part of our body which determine our beauty, appearance, personality...etc. So everybody knowingly and unknowingly serve their hair. Nowadays problems relating with hair is a main beauty barrier, so healthy making up of our hair is widely accepted. Here is some tips to bring up your hair healthy- having scientific basis. Practice it yourself and in your clinic for your patients as everybody give care to their beauty.

               Here are some diet for developing healthy hair.

   1. Flax seeds
                  Take a glass of water with flax seed (alsi) in 
    an empty stomach. This will provide you with the
flax seeds
    omega 3 acid that you need for hair growth.

   2. Amla
                Begin every day with one amla. Women generally use hair oil made of amla to get those lustrous curls, didn’t you know?

3. Almonds
            Soak 5 almonds every night in water and eat them with their skin on.

4. Buttermilk
            Your scalp needs nutrition. So get plenty of fluids like buttermilk, lime juice and coconut water.

5. Water
       Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day!

6. Sprouts


       One bowl of sprouted pulses would be great to make your hair look healthy and lustrous.

7. Proteins
       Eat chicken and egg each day.

8. Tea , coffee
        Reduce you daily intake of tea and coffee.

9. Use lemon juice to rinse your hair
lemon & its juice

        When you are washing hair, use a teaspoon of lime juice for the last rinse. That make your hair lustrous while protecting it from dandruff.

10. Milk
        You are never too old for milk. Drink two glasses of skimmed milk for maximum benefits.

11. Methi seeds
          Apply a paste of methi seeds on your scalp for half an hour once every week, and drink methi water on empty stomachs.

12. Fruits
          Remember how the age old sadhus survived on fruits? No wonder that they had such long hair! Eat at least 2 or 3 fruits every day like strawberries, bananas, apples, mangoes, chikoos, and grapes.

13. Vegetables

         Go green- eat a lot of vegetables, munch away on that iron laden spinach.

14. Chicken
             It is better to have more faith in white meat. Fish, chicken and egg can do wonders for your hair! Try to stay away from red meat.


              'Backache' may happen in acute or as a chronic complaint..! By making some cautions and exercise, we can reduce its chance. In-other-hand if it has happened,then my making some stretches we heal some acute pains. Here some useful tips/cautions are noted to handle the case of backache easly. Make a glance on it.. 


1.   Pay attention to your posture:
This cannot be said enough. Slouching, sitting on sofas which do not offer firm support to the back and sleeping in an awkward position may give you a stiff back the next morning. Reclining in a chair without support to the lower back in the form of a cushion is a no-no. Sleeping on the side in the foetal position is the best way to take the pressure off a weak back.

Do you have a desk job? Then this workplace ergonomics article is a must for you. less 

2.   Maintain optimum weight:
When you put on more weight than your frame can carry, you put pressure on the muscles of the back and abdomen which were not designed to be overloaded. This kind of backache is simply the muscles protesting against the added burden.

3.   Avoid direct pressure on the spine:
When someone other than a professional offers to give you a back massage they may put pressure directly over the spine. This is a wrong technique and may further compound the problem. The best way is to massage on both sides of the spine in a symmetrical fashion with circular motions.

4.   Be active and on the move:
Being in any one posture for long intervals of time causes a sore back. If you have a desk job, make sure you walk during your coffee and lunch breaks. This improves your blood circulation and uses the muscles to an extent.

5.   Bend correctly:
While bending, one must remember not to bend from the waist but from the knees keeping the back straight as far as possible. This is especially important while lifting luggage or heavy items.

6.   Increase exercise reps slowly and steadily:
Many people injure their backs while working out in the gym because of lack of correct instruction. Overdoing abdominal crunches, using heavier weights than you are used to and increasing your reps drastically will land you with a bad back. You land up with a muscle strain and then have to ease off or avoid the workout altogether.

Increase exercise reps slowly and steadily:

7.   For an acute backache:
Put up your feet and get some rest. Use ice packs a few times a day for the first two days, then switch over to heat in the form of hot compresses or a hot water bag.

8.   Stretch a sore back:
Stretching is a great way to relieve backache. While lying flat on the bed, bring your knees slowly to your chest and put a little pressure then relax and repeat. This is helpful for lower back pain.

9.   Get out of bed right:
When the alarm clock rings every morning the first thought is to hurry out of bed. Resist the thought and take your time. First roll over to the edge of the bed and lie flat on your back. Then bring your feet down to the floor and bend your upper body sideways. Do not get up vertically and sit in bed as that puts a lot of pressure on the back.

 Bonus tip! Join a yoga or t’ai chi class:

The stretches in yoga and t’ai chi when done correctly will strengthen back muscles so make sure you find a good instructor for whatever you choose to follow. Backache will be a thing of the past.


                        A varied, balanced diet is the cornerstone of healthy living for everyone, yet healthy eating can sometimes mean different things depending on your gender. 
butternut squash
                        While there are some foods we should all be eating more of, men and women also have their own set of dietary requirements as well as their own unique health concerns. 
Here are three foods all women should eat.

Butternut squash

Butternut squash - like many other yellow/orange fruit and vegetables - is packed with carotenoids such as alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. While carotenes should be included in everybody's diet, they may prove essential to women's health as a high-carotenoid diet has been linked to lowered risks of both breast and ovarian cancer.

flax seeds

Flax seeds
  Flax seeds are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids and have been linked to reduced risk of breast cancer and heart disease. The seeds' anti-inflammatory properties are also good for preventing arthritis, while their digestive benefits can help irritable bowel syndrome; two painful conditions which are more prevalent in women than men.

Salmon (Raavas)
  Salmon has a multitude of health benefits for women. Not only is it rich in iron - which is integral to the diets of premenopausal women - but it is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which can help beat depression (something that affects twice as many women as men) and prevent mood swings. Salmon can also boost babies' intelligence when eaten during pregnancy.


                   A varied, balanced diet is the cornerstone of healthy living for everyone, yet healthy eating can sometimes mean different things depending on your gender. 

While there are some foods we should all be eating more of,
 men and women also have their own set of dietary requirements as well as their own unique health concerns. Here are three foods all men should eat.

Tomatoes are possibly one of the best "superfoods" around, and the popular fruit has particular benefits for men. Studies have suggested that the lycopene found in tomatoes may reduce risk ofcolorectal cancer, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease; the leading cause of death in men. Research has also shown that men who frequently eat foods rich in lycopene may drastically reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer.


Broccoli - along with other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and sprouts - contains a strong cancer-fighting chemical, sulphoraphane, which research has suggested may reduce men's risk of developing bladder cancer (a cancer more commonly affecting women than men), prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.


Oysters are the highest natural source of zinc; an essential requirement for men's fertility and sexual health. Zinc not only helps to maintain healthy testosterone levels in men, but it is essential for healthy sperm production. On top of this, zinc deficiency may be responsible for hair loss in men, so an increased intake may benefit men's appearance as well as health.