Dr. DIET The Perfect Dietitian to Care You

what is DR.DIET; about us...

"But He (Jesus) answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of  GOD."
                                                       (Mathews 4: 4 ,HOLY BIBLE ) 

          Holistic approach in treatment is the most needed way of healing in this era, where the amount of poisons (the so-called medicines) is  minimized and the health is restored-boosted up-with healthy food habits, exercises etc which is harmless and simple.
                               The unhealthy or diseased body cannot tolerate the higher doses of poisons (the so- called medicines),instead which make him/her more weak. To restore the health we need not only the medicine but also there are some other factors also to help in this venture. Here comes the role of healthy dietary habits.
                        To achieve health, there comes many factors before medicines. Dietary habits, exercise, sleep, excretion, sex, hygiene, mental calmness etc. But we people give least or no importance to these factors. Scientific experiments shown that these factors plays major role in the maintainace  of health. When there is imbalance in those above mentioned factors, the disease comes into play. Treatment should be directed with the aim to make it balanced. And the role of medicines comes next to it. The action of a medicine should be to vitalize the body, and should be in minimum quantity. Here is an axiom that “Poison in minimum dose is medicine, and medicine in large dose is poison”.
Here is our aim to deal with the prime factor, that is nothing but dietary habit. Now-a-days there are numerous dietary tips around us but most of them are unscientific. So here is our gift for you which are scientific, proved, experienced by many of doctors in their practice and which also helped the patient to achieve good and stable health. So we are here to share our experience, support, advice to all who need to be healthy, and for the physicians who are born with the mission to provide wellness to the suffering humanity without any discrimination of which system of medicine they are following. The people around us now became realized that only medicines cannot do anything with diseases. So we must know the supporting measures to aid the cure. So here is the above said holistic approach comes into play. Day to day surveys reveals that people show more concern towards the doctor who give alternative along with their medicines.
                        So in the aim of achieving a healthy community we humbly introduce before you DR.DIET”-The perfect dietitian to care you. Here we discuss about the authentic, healthy dietary tips with scientific basis, which will make your treatment with your accurate medicine, more fruitful. We hope the dietary tips presented here will make your healing practice fruitful and also helps you to gain the affection of your clients, that will make you more busy in your profession. So here DR.DIET introducing dietary charts with their explanations, traditional health tips which are followed by many traditional physicians and found to be effective and more…
                        Here DR.DIET begins, and expecting your valuable co-operation and support...                       
New Year Wishes…